page title icon Image Background Border Radius in React-Native: A Comprehensive Guide

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The ImageBackground component in React Native provides a way to display an image as the background of a view. However, sometimes developers may want to add a border radius to the image to make it more visually appealing. This is where the imagebackground react-native border radius comes in.

A colorful, abstract background with rounded borders, suitable for a React Native app interface

By using the border radius property, developers can create rounded corners for the ImageBackground component. This can be especially useful when designing user interfaces that require a more polished look. The border radius property can be applied to the ImageBackground component just like any other React Native component.

Overall, adding a border radius to the ImageBackground component in React Native can greatly enhance the visual appeal of an application. This simple feature can make a big difference in the overall design of an app and can help make it stand out from the competition.

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Setting Up ImageBackground


Before using ImageBackground in a React Native project, it must be installed. To install ImageBackground, simply run the following command in the project directory:

npm install react-native-image-background --save

This will install the ImageBackground package and save it as a dependency in the project's package.json file.

Basic Usage

Once ImageBackground is installed, it can be used in a React Native component by importing it:

import ImageBackground from 'react-native-image-background';

After importing, the ImageBackground component can be used like any other React Native component. Here is an example:

<ImageBackground source={{uri: ''}}
                 style={{width: '100%', height: '100%', borderRadius: 10}}>
  // Child components here

In this example, the ImageBackground component is given a source prop which specifies the image to display. The style prop is also used to set the width and height of the component to 100% and add a border radius of 10. Any child components can be added inside the ImageBackground component.

Overall, ImageBackground is a useful component for displaying images with a border radius in React Native. It is easy to install and use, and can add a nice touch to any app's UI.

Styling Components

Applying Border Radius

In React Native, the borderRadius property can be used to apply rounded corners to images and other components. This property takes a numeric value that represents the radius of the corners. For example, borderRadius: 10 would apply a 10-pixel radius to all corners of the component.

It's worth noting that borderRadius can also accept an object with specific values for each corner. For example, borderRadius: { topLeft: 10, bottomRight: 20 } would apply a 10-pixel radius to the top left corner and a 20-pixel radius to the bottom right corner.

Using Stylesheet

In React Native, styles can be applied to components using the StyleSheet module. This module provides a way to define and organize styles in a separate file, which can be imported and used throughout the app.

To apply borderRadius using StyleSheet, you can define a style object with the desired borderRadius value(s) and then pass that object as a prop to the component. For example:

import React from 'react';
import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  rounded: {
    borderRadius: 10,

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
    <View style={styles.rounded}>
      {/* content */}

In this example, the rounded style object is defined with a borderRadius of 10. This style object is then passed to the style prop of the View component, resulting in a rounded rectangle.

Using StyleSheet to define styles can help keep your code organized and make it easier to make global style changes throughout your app.

React Native ImageBackground Properties

React Native provides a built-in component called ImageBackground which allows developers to display an image as the background of a component. The ImageBackground component has several properties that can be used to customize the image display.


The resizeMode property is used to specify how the image should be resized when it is displayed. There are several options available for resizeMode, including:

  • cover: This is the default value. The image will be resized to cover the entire container, while maintaining its aspect ratio. This may result in some parts of the image being cut off.
  • contain: The image will be resized to fit inside the container, while maintaining its aspect ratio. This may result in some empty space around the image.
  • stretch: The image will be stretched to fill the entire container, regardless of its aspect ratio. This may result in the image being distorted.
  • repeat: The image will be repeated both horizontally and vertically to fill the entire container.


The ImageStyle property can be used to apply additional styling to the image. This property accepts an object with various style properties, such as borderRadius, borderWidth, borderColor, and opacity.

One of the most commonly used properties is borderRadius, which allows developers to add rounded corners to the image. This can be particularly useful when displaying profile pictures or other circular images.

In conclusion, the ImageBackground component in React Native provides several useful properties for customizing the display of images. By using the resizeMode and ImageStyle properties, developers can create visually appealing and responsive layouts for their applications.

Handling Responsive Design

When it comes to designing a mobile application, responsive design is crucial. This is particularly true when it comes to images and backgrounds, as they can easily become distorted or pixelated if not handled properly. Fortunately, React Native provides several tools to help developers create responsive designs that look great on any device.

Dimensions API

The Dimensions API is a powerful tool that allows developers to get the dimensions of the device screen. This can be incredibly useful when it comes to designing images and backgrounds that look great on any device. By using the Dimensions API, developers can ensure that their images and backgrounds are sized correctly for the device they are being viewed on.

Flexbox and Layout

Another useful tool for creating responsive designs in React Native is Flexbox. Flexbox is a layout system that allows developers to create flexible and responsive layouts that work well on any device. By using Flexbox, developers can easily create layouts that adjust to the size of the device screen, ensuring that images and backgrounds look great on any device.

In conclusion, handling responsive design in React Native is essential for creating mobile applications that look great on any device. By using tools like the Dimensions API and Flexbox, developers can create responsive designs that look great on any device.

Optimizing Performance

Image Caching

When working with images in React Native, it's important to consider performance optimizations to ensure that your app runs smoothly. One way to optimize performance is to implement image caching. By caching images, you can reduce the number of network requests made by your app, which can significantly improve load times and reduce data usage.

There are several libraries available for image caching in React Native, such as react-native-cached-image and react-native-fast-image. These libraries provide a simple way to cache images and handle image loading and errors.

Using Local Images

Another way to optimize performance when working with images in React Native is to use local images instead of remote images. Local images are stored on the device, so they can be loaded much faster than remote images, which need to be downloaded over the network.

To use local images in React Native, you can import the image file and use it as the source for an Image component. For example:

import React from 'react';
import { Image } from 'react-native';

const App = () => {
  return (
      style={{ width: 200, height: 200 }}

export default App;

By using local images and implementing image caching, you can significantly improve the performance of your React Native app.

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